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Looking for our sustainable sewing items in the store? Head over there now. Sewing is at the heart of the haberdashery shop at The Habderdasher Bee. here is a collection of all our specifically-sewing posts.

setting up Affinity Designer to cut sewing patterns in

Designing Sewing Patterns in Affinity Designer

After recently watching a series of tutorials on how to design and cut patterns in Adobe Illustrator, I realised Affinity Designer was quite different to set up.

Natural fibres come in many different types

Working With Natural Fibres

Natural fibres is a surprisingly broad term for quite a few materials. The better known ones are cotton and linen, though there are a whole range of different natural fibres out there.

colourful fabrics, including those made with artificial fibres

What Are Artificial Fibres?

Artificial fibres is a term for materials which are made by man from naturally occurring substances and are often referred to by brand names or even just the plant they’re derived from.

pile of folded textiles made from synthetic fibres

Should You Use Synthetic Fibres?

While this might sound a little obvious to some, not everyone realises the difference between synthetic and natural fibres – or they may simply not realise which fibres are man made and which are natural.