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Starting the embroidery on the back pockets of my jeans

Personalising Garments With Embroidery

I decided a while back that I wanted to make my handmade garments more ‘me’ by embroidering designs onto them that reflect who I am and what I like. Most embroidery I’d ever done was very basic, so I decided that it was about time I learned to do more complicated embroidery.

My sewing plans this year include embroidering onto some of my clothes

Sewing Plans And Crafting Goals For the New Year

This year I want to build upon what I’ve been learning over the past couple of years and see where that takes me! With that in mind, I’ve set out some sewing plans for myself and decided to join in with some sewing challenges on Instagram this month. I also intend to learn some new skills for sewing and crocheting, while developing what I’ve been learning about natural dyeing.